Thank you for your editorial embracing birth control.
While it recommends investing in contraceptive health care for lower income families and the homeless, let’s encourage all income levels to use contraception since the average American woman wants two children. Because of cost, or the need for a medical visit, or pressure from her religion, too many women don’t use birth control, usually resulting in unwanted children who are often unloved. We’ve all witnessed the verbal and physical abuse bestowed on unloved children and sadly often read of abandonment or murder. These are tragedies for the children who did not even ask to be conceived.
While we each wonder how we can affect the huge climate change problem, think of the impact of every couple simply replacing themselves. Having smaller families means smaller cars, smaller homes, less energy consumption, less traffic and less pollution. This is the most important thing we can each do to protect this very fragile planet called Earth. Let’s not enable the expected doubling of our population in the next 35 years if we wish to preserve our current wonderful city and lifestyle.
Let’s make every child a wanted child.
Nancy van Allmen, Salt Lake City