I’m dismayed, though not entirely surprised, that Salt Lake City’s police union would make the blatantly bogus assertion that an assault and false arrest ought to be hushed up in the interest of public safety. The opposite is true. The very idea that peace officers should operate without a strong feeling of compunction regarding public perceptions creates an abusive environment (like that which led to the illegal arrest of nurse Wubbels).
Nationwide, we are seeing more and more examples of certain officers who apparently believe they have unlimited authority to act on whatever impulse comes into their minds. This attitude needs to be reversed, not encouraged. For the police union to have the opposite view speaks volumes about an immediate need to counter their influence. They are clearly not the “good guys” here.
With this complete disdain for transparency and oversight egregiously on display, I feel it is imperative to encourage nurse Wubbels, the University of Utah, the city and the state to pursue the most aggressive legal options available. It’s unfortunate that a stinging rebuke must be delivered to the involved officers and their union, but it appears entirely necessary and appropriate.
Danny Maland