Gov. Gary Herbert is too lazy on air quality. Thank you for the, cough, cough, timely article in the Aug. 31 Tribune. It is bad enough to wheeze through the winter inversions but this summer has been just awful. Are we now faced with year-round air quality issues? The automobile is the primary culprit according to all the experts. Yet our emission standards and their enforcement are sorely lacking. Trucks and cars are still spewing pollutants. Would it be that difficult to tighten the controls?
Herbert is all for states’ rights, yet why does he look the other way when we look to him for leadership on this state issue. Will the EPA, part of that dreaded federal government, have to intercede and come to our rescue?
We have such beautiful mountains and scenery. Please, dear governor, help us actually see our mountains. Help us lower our health costs by doing something about this sickly air.
Help our economy by cleaning up our once beautiful valleys.
C.J. Sumner
Salt Lake City